Welcome to Get Hired Locally!

We make applying for positions on this site easy. No pesky popups or spam when you create an account. There is no automated application process so you search for jobs and apply to those you are interested in. When you apply, Employers know you are interested in their position.

The following are instructions and tips for an easy experience on Get Hired Locally.


Many Employers on the site have included options to contact them directly. When you click the “Apply for Job” button or the company website you are taken to the Employer’s website or a third party for applicant tracking system. Many Employers have provided their direct contact information in the job description. no need to sign up on Get Hired Locally in that case!
Get Hired Locally also tracks and manages your applications. To apply here, you will need to create an account with Get Hired Locally. Signing up is free with no buried costs on Get Hired Locally.
Registration is required when applying through the Get Hired Locally system. You can save multiple resumes and application details to apply quickly from mobile devices or computers. Having your resume saved in the system for quick apply makes things easy!
Now to the details;

Sign Up

To create an account, click here, or select “Sign Up” from the top menu.
All fields on the registration form are required.
Make sure to select the proper registration type under “Register As”

My Account

After you create your account you are automatically logged in.. Upon login you will be taken to My Account page. This page is universal for all registered users on the site. The “Account details” tab is where you edit account details and change your password. The other tabs won’t be used.

Save Resume

Add and manage your saved Resumes through the Candidate Dashboard On this page there is a form to enter your information. You can also upload a copy of your resume in a doc or pdf format.

Edit Resume

To edit or delete a resume, log in, select Candidate Dashboard under the Candidates Menu, and edit or delete your resume

Search for a job

Under the Candidate menu select “Find a Job”. Jobs are sorted by date posted. You can search by keyword, location, choose a specific job category or by type. Search for a specific phrase by entering the phase in the keyword box using. You can specify the type of job including: Freelance, Full Time, Internship, Part Time and ..

Apply for a job

Once you find a position you are interested in, click the “Apply For Job” button. If you are then taken to a company’s page, follow their application instructions. If you are applying through Get Hired Locally’s application system you will receive a popup message. Make sure you choose the online resume you would like to use. You can customize the message or use the prepopulated message